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Workday FAQ
Workday FAQ
Workday Adaptive Planning will provide leadership and managers business modeling, analytics, management, and commissioners court reporting, and allows for collaboration. Workday HCM/Finance provides the ability for users to easily generate HR and Finance reports and gain visibility into budget data. Workday utilizes many delivered reports and we will be reviewing the need for custom reports as well. All data access is managed by security groups. Key benefits include the ability to drill down and filter data, make more informed decisions, create reports and analytics using real-time transaction data, analyze across finance, HR, and payroll, and bring all data into one system.
The One Solution system for Human Resources and Finance will be replaced with the Workday product.
Workday is the secure, cloud-hosted enterprise software platform that will be replacing One Solution. Workday is equipped to evolve to meet the needs of county government and has been implemented at counties, cities, universities and businesses. The platform provides 24/7 access to data and information in an intuitive, web-based interface that is easy to navigate from mobile or desktop devices.
The current implementation timeframe is June/July 2024. More information will be provided to all employees as the project progresses.
The current One Solution platform is outdated. There are also multiple systems being used across the County. The goal is to provide a single platform that is user-friendly, intuitive, accurate, and efficient.
Workday FAQ - Expenses
An individual with spend authority can create their own or have someone else at the department level create it for them. That workflow will have to be ironed out, but it can be a self-service function.
No, because if you’re able to create a requisition in Workday, there’s not additional login information needed. It’s all tied together.
No, it does not. Invoices for punchouts will be paid through Vendors Payable via the supplier payment method on record (i.e., ACH, check, epayable) and the funds will be encumbered when ordered and checked out through the punchout process.
Training needs are currently being identified and more information will be shared in the future.
If someone in the department submits a request for travel and gets the necessary approvals, is it possible the department head or person responsible for the budget will not know about this purchase?
There will always be supervisor approval for travel. A supervisor may not be required on a requisition. Details are still being determined. Workflow actions will address what is bought and the level of approval or other Purchasing action is required.
Our tax-exempt certificate is already included in the punchout. Therefore, tax exemption will already be in place. No need to provide when using a punchout.
A punchout is a supplier’s link within Workday that allows you to shop on a supplier website, while completing checkout, approval, receiving and payment processes in Workday.
Will all officials and employees who travel on county funds be required to complete the new Workday expense reports?
Officials and employees will be able to complete expense reports via Self-Service. There will also be the option for expense reports to be completed on their behalf by someone within their department. Individuals who are not county employees will have to provide expense report documentation to be completed by the department paying those expenses from their budget.
It’s a self-service functionality in Workday so it’s beyond just Purchasing. It is very similar to what we do today using the PCard for Office Depot. The supervisor, budget director and others depending on the requisition/expense dollar threshold or what’s being purchased will provide approvals for the purchases based on the approval workflow built into Workday.
It’s a self-service functionality in Workday, but some decisions are still being made on that.
The traveler can do this through self-service, but there will be the option that it can be prepared by somebody at the department level as well.
Will we be able to maintain access to our supervisor's PCard transactions if we currently do with One Solution and Chase Bank?
Yes. Similar to the security we have for One Solution today, all of those working in Workday HCM or Finance will have the appropriate security assigned based on their organization and roles.
Workday FAQ - Foundational Data Model (FDM)
If five employees in a division have four levels of security access related to a specific task and an approver is required, does Workday send only one notification to each of the five employees when the task is processed?
From a security standpoint, if an employee is part of a business process and their approval is required, they will receive a notification in their inbox. Multiple people at the county can hold the same security role. When the business process is ready for that security role, as long as that employee holds a position within the division/cost center (meaning they are part of the business process approval), they will receive a notification. Thus, multiple people can be notified to approve the same process. Once approved, the notification does not disappear. However, Workday has lots of Inbox Filters which will help our users manage their tasks.The end-users for the new Workday Foundation Data Model are all employees who will be using the new Workday ERP system, subject to their security roles and rights.
Will access to Cost Center reports (i.e., budget-to-actual, payroll, etc.) be based on role instead of access to an individual account?
The FDM will make a translation from our current One Solution department assignments. Cost Centers and other segments defined in Workday will have their own security. As long as you hold a role in the Cost Center for a particular worktag, you will be able to see reports for those values. If you’re at a division level you can initiate and approve transactions within that division. There will be hierarchies.
Workday FAQ - General Finance
For business processes that cross multiple departments like refunds, are there plans to discuss and document those differently from purely-business processes within Workday?
It is planned that separate systems that require a refund will be integrated with Workday. The goal is to transition like processes to Workday. There will be no customizations to Workday.
How will the physical inventory of Business Assets be conducted going forward? Will we use scanners or some other tool for tracking in Workday?
We are currently designing to work with the scanners. The scanners have not been selected yet.
That is still being discussed but it is possible as we understand more completely the subaward process the County will modify the subaward process to align with Workday functionality. The subaward process in Workday allows for more transparency to the individual subaward.
Is the function on grant reimbursement invoices available for everyone or is special clearance needed?
Security is tied to users who can produce grant reimbursement invoices.
Workday has amazing reporting functionality! Rather than running queries, you can run delivered Workday reports to get the information for your job role, or custom reports and dashboards can be created to meet information needs. It is anticipated a central Workday Reporting team will be created to work with users to write custom Workday reports to replace and enhance old One Solution reports.
What actions/features are only for Grants and how many are just redundant to what will be available for other funds as well?
Similar to our current environment in One Solution, many actions/features for all funds could also contain a Grants or Project element if a grant is involved. Grants will be highlighted in training and business processes for those areas and staff as applicable.
What are the plans for keeping budget and accounting records from One Solution accessible to department administrators and staff?
We will have access to historical records beyond what records are converted and will reside in Workday. These decisions are part of the overall county program. As of today, it is anticipated the historical data will be converted to a searchable PDF warehouse. Part of the conversion process is to include in Workday any data for an open project, open grant, capital project or debt service fund as well as the current year and last two years of all data.
We are still exploring new functionality delivered in Workday to determine features that would benefit Grants Management. Some options we are exploring are moving tasks into Workday that are currently handled manually outside of the system, such as GAR forms, and creating validations to prevent invalid actions or incorrect data.
What will the security roles be and will it be assigned by default using One Solution or Active Directory?
Security roles are still a little way off to being finalized. Workday delivers standard roles that are either user- or role-based, which affects how they are assigned. The county has the option to modify them, which is being considered during business process discussions.
Department authorization and the linking of approvers will be in Workday, using the security and workflows to be set up. There will be a lot of different roles in Workday that depend on your training and current position. We are currently in the early conversations regarding the security of assigning roles.
We will definitely be using banking information to record payments and deposits in Workday. Workday will be used to streamline bank reconciliation, which is currently a very manual and tedious process.
Workday FAQ - HCM
All Human Capital Management will occur in Workday. The County will still work with third party providers in certain areas and where available, an integration will be created between Workday and the provider.
Workday will replace both of these areas. The plan is to have a seamless, integrated process between the application directly to the employee’s first day with the County.
The PAR form will be incorporated online into Workday instead of as a separate paper document.
Time Tracking and Absence Management will now occur in Workday as a single system. New time clocks will be procured, details of which are still being determined. There will also be a mobile app and website for clocking in and out.
Workday FAQ - Procurement
Are requisition approvers going to be in the workflow so they can edit worktags as needed and approve the requisitions?
Yes, there are reviews and approvals in the business process. When a requisition is created, the user’s default worktags will pre-populate based on their HCM data. The security role at the department level will review worktags for appropriateness. Additional approvals may be required by the appropriate areas based on worktag selection (i.e., grant, project, etc.) and/or selection of spend category.
Can you give us an idea of how travel will work with Workday? Will requisitions and purchase orders (PO) still be needed?
You won’t have a requisition or PO; instead you’ll have a spend authorization in Workday. It gives approval to travel and it will go through a workflow process (an abbreviated process) that will work similar to what the requisition/PO looks like today (i.e. who the traveler is, what the expenses that will be incurred are, where they’re traveling). It can be initiated by the traveler and is a self-service feature, but it also could be initiated by one of the roles of the department hierarchy.
Has it been determined that we will continue using the current location decals or bar code tags for tracking assets, or will this change?
Currently, we are exploring using a sequential numbering format but having the current location decals on historical data. More information will be provided as a final decision is determined.
How can a user login to see how many orders were placed in September to date? Or, how many orders have been completed and how many are still pending receipt?
The ability to see reports will be based on security roles in Workday. There are Workday Standard Reports, which come “out-of-the-box” with Workday. The “Find Purchase Order” Report allows a user to find purchase orders by company, supplier, date, status, requestor, worktags and other fields. Thereport also shows the business documents associated with the purchase order; if a receipt is approved, that will show on the report. When the business document field is blank, that means there are no other associated business documents with that purchase order (i.e., receipt, invoice, etc.), indicating that a receipt is still pending.
There is also the “Purchase Order Lines Not Received” Report; however, this report has less searchable fields. Once the report is run, you could filter by specific purchase order numbers to determine if your purchase orders are still pending receipt. Users can also run the “My Requisition” report to view requisitions, the subsequent purchase order that was created and the status of related business documents. Suppliers may also be able to acknowledge orders or send advanced ship to notices, which can assist with the status of orders.
The attractive assets will be tracked in Workday via the worktag. There will be a specific unique worktag for attractive assets. A lot of transactions in Workday will be selected from a list of spend categories. It will be more intuitive and the spend categories will sync up behind the scenes to account posting roles.
If an official or employee requests travel reimbursement and uploads receipts on Workday, will the department processor have access to retrieve them to finalize reimbursement? Or will a department processor collect and upload receipts to Workday?
For Expense Reports, there is an approval process workflow. It requires approval from a supervisor, and a review from the Cost Center Expense Coordinator (new role) to review the spend authorization and make sure that it’s in accordance with spend policies. Depending on what source of funds are used (i.e. grant, special revenue fund, etc.), additional approvals might be required. This process will take out some of the back-and-forth with dropping off receipts.
In terms of asset transfers, do we have a workflow of this process? Also, do we have a better understanding of what oversight would be included in this process?
Yes, we will have a workflow process for transfers that includes oversight by the Purchasing Office.
In terms of cost sharing for business assets, how will "stewardship" be determined? In what part of the process will a department/project be identified for ownership over the equipment?
This will be done during the asset recognition, whereas the respective cost center will be determined during the registration of the asset.
Expense Cards can be used for travel related purchases as well as routine, non-travel related purchases under a preset approval limit.
Travel-related purchases over $1,000 require pre-approval by the County Auditor.
Expense Card purchases are reconciled through Expense Reports in Workday and are not tied to a purchase order.
Note: We anticipate the use of Expense Cards and Procurement Cards to decrease with the punchout functionality and the addition of suppliers to punchouts over time.
There are many changes to existing business practices that will be introduced with Workday. Training will be provided to acclimate the officials and staff to these changes.
It’s difficult to understand the end-to-end impacts that these changes and many others will have on workloads across the county. We will continuously revisit process changes post Go-Live and review supporting data to determine if adjustments need to be made.
Current PCards will be called “Expense Cards” in Workday.
The Procurement Card will be issued to individuals in the departments by the Purchasing Department, based on a request by the department manager or official and can be used for travel, supplies, etc., within the security role and approval authority of the approver.
In Workday, Procurement Cards are tied to procurement functionality and purchase orders may be required for these purchases prior to verifying the Procurement Card transaction in Workday; this is still under discussion.
Will officials and staff be able to order items and then, depending on the level of approval required, have the order routed via workflow to the Purchasing Department for review and approval?
Yes. This is a self-service functionality as far as initiating a transaction. An employee can make a purchase via a punchout, but it will not be processed without approval from the Department Manager.
Will procurement of an asset that qualifies for a sole source keep the same process or will it be handled directly though Workday?
Sole source purchases will be similar to how they are today. Purchasing will review and approve the sole source.
Will the "Attractive" assets be inventoried as well (i.e., laptops) and will Purchasing still do an annual inventory?
There has been a recent change in the governmental accounting standards regarding purchases of assets less than the capitalization threshold of $5,000, but for which the total invoice purchase for several like assets on one invoice exceeds the threshold. The processes to inventory the attractive assets are still being vetted. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
Will there be a need to keep the original receipts if travelers will be able to upload photos of their receipts while they're on the go?
There will not be a need to save original receipts. You actually do not need to submit originals today as long as the copy is legible. However, it is suggested you review your expense report before being submitted to ensure the copy scanned is legible.
Workday will use both Expense Cards and Procurement Cards (PCards). People who have a Pcard today will likely have an Expense Card in Workday. Expense Cards will be used on purchases less than $1,000. They will be used in a way that most people use PCards today and they can be tied to Expense Reports in Workday. However, PCards cannot be tied to Expense Reports in Workday. Workday requires these to be tied to a Purchase Order (PO) instead. PCards will also be distributed to a smaller population of users at the department level. Purchasing will have some as well. In general, fewer people will have access to PCards in Workday. The reason for the PCard change is due to the encumbrance of funds to reduce the need for budget adjustments in the future.
Workday FAQ - Reporting/Analytics
Cognos and Click-Drag-Drill reports will not be carried forward with Workday. However, Workday reporting provides robust drill-down capabilities right on the page so you will not lose that functionality that you had with the existing reports.
Workday has amazing reporting functionality! Rather than running queries, you can run delivered Workday reports to get the information for your job role, or custom reports and dashboards can be created to meet information needs. We are discussing a central Workday Reporting team devoted to writing custom Workday reports to replace and enhance old One Solution and Cognos reports.
We are still too early in the process to determine this information.
Yes, Workday provides many modern solutions for generating HR and Finance reports and gaining visibility into data. All data access is managed by security groups. Key benefits include:
The ability to drill down and filter data to make more informed decisions;
Create reports and analytics using real-time data; and,
The ability to analyze finance, HR, and payroll information together since the data is in one system.
Will we be able to generate Cognos queries to create our own reports and stats without having to get them done by an IT data professional on a case-by-case basis? Will training for this be available?
Workday delivers much more expansive operational and transactional reporting and analytics than has previously been available, so you should find that the need to run data queries for reports and stats is significantly reduced or eliminated altogether. Because reporting in Workday is significantly different and has a very steep learning curve, there will most likely be a central team of full-time Workday report writers who will be supporting the county by creating custom reports and dashboards to supplement what’s provided by Workday, and to meet specific information needs. There will also be individuals in various units, based upon their job role and function, who will have access to generate ad-hoc reports.